A Ritual for starting 2025 with grace and sound to create the sanctuary of Spirit together

An evening of

Spirit Shaking + Sound Healing

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 6:30 to 8:30pm

Sliding Scale Registration Fee (see below)

Space is limited

Private Residence in Sunnyvale, CA*

Register to get full details.

*To those with cat allergies: This is a private residence and is home to a friendly cat.

Questions? Send email here.

Ring in the new year by shaking off limitations and freeing your Spirit and Life Force to heal and flow in 2025

Your Sliding Scale donation is appreciated

The Ritual is Simple

Indoors in soft and safe surroundings

There are places to rest and places to engage and interact with the group.

We start off with Setting Sacred Space

Setting intentions of letting go and becoming open and receptive. The ritual is for making the space in the heart and mind to be ready for the energies of the coming year, 2025. Be a blessing and align with transformational energies.

We Shake the Body to Quiet the Mind

Shaking can be its own practice that you can do at length. We will shake for 30-40 minutes. You can be gentle and shake gently or shake enthusiastically. There is drumming sound to guide you.

We enter into Sound Healing

Crystal bowls produce pure crystal tones that can take you into deep moments of internal quiet and healing. It can be an easy way to access deep states of knowing and deep states of peace.

Finish with sharing blessing and sweetness

Together in spirit

Community prayer is the intention here. Though you can experience healing and healing effects, please know that we share these tools as education, and not treatment. Please consult your health care team if you have doubts or concerns about joining us for this event.

Your sliding scale donation is appreciated. Thank you!