What people are saying

  • Qigong and Tai Chi for Pain

    “Josie, our qigong/tai chi instructor, is wonderful and incredibly knowledgeable! The patients appreciate her thoughtful and centered style and even those that are skeptical at first tell me they enjoy her class. ... I like most of our wellness classes in the FRP (functional restoration program) to be focused on movement and Josie incorporates her skill set beautifully.”

    —Dr. Rachel Feinberg, PhD of Physical Therapy and principal of Feinberg Medical Group in Palo Alto, CA

  • On Mind-Body Science and Polyvagal Theory

    “ …[My] colleague, Josie Weaver. She is not a researcher in an academic job, but she is one of our most esteemed teachers in the IIQTC [Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi], truly gets the estoteric/science fit of this work, and when we talk Polyvagal theory (one of my guideposts for understanding the true nature of the heart), she wows me with her knowledge.“

    — Dr. Linda Larkey, PhD, researcher of mind-body science and professor of Nursing Science at University of Arizona

  • Bringing Practice to Life

    “I first heard Josie in September of 2020, when she gave a talk at the Qigong Global Summit about Qigong and chronic pain. A few years ago I started getting severe eye pain from the condition which caused my blindness. I also get migraines, as do a number of my family. I have attended Josie's Empowered Relief and Restorative Qigong classes. She always brings new material, and I always come away with something valuable. I have found her very accommodating to my disability, and I have incorporated her exercises and philosophy into my daily practice.“

    — Austin

  • Josie's Blog Posts

    “I really enjoy receiving your emails. They provide food for thought and useful practice info. I am especially partial to butterflies, so I really enjoyed the blog post on the 12th. I was wondering where the butterfly bench can be found. “ [See the butterfly bench blog post here.]


    “Thank you Josie. I appreciate your teachings. Always grounding with sweet and simple ways to connect with Qi. Many Blessings to you and happy baking!”[See the Qigong and baking post here.]


  • Empowered Relief

    "Thank you so much. I try to listen [to the Empowered Relief meditation audio file] every day. The course and the audio have been so useful. I really practice the things I learned: reframing, self-soothing, relaxing with the audio file."

    — Elinor

    “I found the repetition [of Empowered Relief class] valuable. I've stayed on top of a migraine and after the relaxation exercise it felt like going on a vacation. Very nice! This class always impresses me.”


  • Tai Chi Classes Outdoors

    "...Wonderful Qigong and Taichi classes in Sunnyvale and Mountain View.. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful Qigong and Taichi teacher."

    — T.K.

  • On Teaching and Learning

    'A year ago, I found Josie, online, via her presentation in the 2021 Qigong Global Summit. I had an instant “Yes”, + have been learning from her all through this year. Last night, I was enjoying Deng Ming-Dao (https://www.dengmingdao.com) speak eloquently in the 2022 Summit. He spoke of how we may enter a restaurant, + know clearly: ‘o this feels good, I like it here’, + how, no matter what a chef may say about a meal, only we can know if the food is good for us, that day. That knowing, that simple, instinctive “YES” - we all have it, and learning to trust it matters so much now. He was speaking particularly to the question of finding a QiGong teacher. I smiled - the surety he described was my initial response to Josie. Deng Ming-Dao also suggested we ask: “do I feel welcome? are they kind? do I feel comfortable?” - Yes, Yes,+ Yes, I smiled. The most recent course, through this long Winter, has been an anchor + a source of Joy, connection, + comfort for me: something deeply Good, threading through the dark days, nights, weeks, months. Some weeks I was hibernating so deeply, I couldn’t make it to be there for live class, but the recordings, which Josie so carefully + quickly made available, kept me connected, all through. This week, the last week of this course, the coming of the strangest Spring we’ve ever known brought me up-in-time-to-join-in-Live, again. Zoom-Live is a now-natural, comfortable mode of commune-ication for me, as for so many of us. I’m deeply glad of the Goodness I’ve found, being in class, learning from Josie. Live-Live, or recording-Live - the delicious nourishment shines clearly, always helping me to re-align, to defragment, to be, easier. Thank you, dear Josie. “This feels Good! I like it here.” And On We Go. ' - Jaihn

Working One-on-One with Josie

  • A Routine Just for Me

    "Josie designed for me on April 7, 2018 a special Qigong practice to prevent hopefully recurrence of stomach blockages caused by adhesions between intestines and/or intestine and stomach wall, all a very common result from stomach surgeries. I had just been released after a 4 days hospitalization for a partial blockage.

    The practice which involves supporting me spiritually and physically while doing her designed stimulations of the body and especially the stomach area. The practice uses mental imaging, acupressure, stretching, stomach massage and finally breathing exercise. It takes everything from 25 to 50 minutes depending of number of repetitions. I do them rigorously every morning. The longer times when I recognize the symptoms of the beginning of a blockage.

    How have I been able to stick to the routine? In the beginning, I played the video she made of me following her loving and humorous instructions every day and later just now and when to check that I had not deviated from the form and for some encouragement. She has also always been there for me to answer and explain and to suggest some tweaking of the routine."


  • Help Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle

    "I started visiting Josie sometime in November, she has been treating me since on the weekly basis, the pain and numbness on the back of my left hand predominately the back of my index and middle fingers has significantly improved, she's also taught me how to better cope with the remaining numbness and occasional pain that I may experience at times. She's invited me to participate in her weekly Qigong class....Thank you Josie for helping me and introducing me to a new healthier lifestyle."


  • Working with Energy

    "The energy clearing sessions I have experienced with Josie have been super helpful in releasing old beliefs and patterns from within my body and mind. I appreciate her candor and sense of humor as I moved through challenges. It made it easier for me to let go and not judge myself in the process. She is so lovely to work with.".
