End-of-Summer Tai Chi starts August 18, 2024

A Demonstration

The Wudang Mountains, also known as Wudang Shan, are a mountain range in the northwestern part of Hubei, China, and the place where I learned the Wudangshan Tai Chi form. I traveled with a group of students and enthusiasts, and our teacher was Master Zhou who spoke to us through an interpreter and taught by demonstrations. He was very encouraging, and he frequently made us tea prior to practice. The Wudang Mountains are one of the "Four Sacred Mountains of Taoism" in China, and for us at the time it felt like a Taoist pilgrimage to breathe the air and be in the Sacred Mountains.

The Wudang Mountains is considered the birthplace of Tai Chi, and this form is simple and elegant in terms of illustrating Tai Chi principles and evoking deep states of meditation and harmony.

Class details

  • Class Location and Meeting Time

    Class meets every Sunday for eight weeks, starting August 18. We meet outdoors (and practice on grass) for 60 minutes at 4:00pm at Cooper Park located at Chesley Ave. & Yorkton Dr. , Mountain View, CA 94040. People are encouraged to dress in layers (there is a breeze that can be cool even in summer). Bring water and a folding chair (optional) to rest as needed.

  • Learn the Sequence and it's yours

    Remembering movement sequences keeps your memory sharp, because it keeps your brain active and learning. Brain plasticity is the “use it or lose it” feature of your brain. Tai Chi uses your brain’s neural plasticity as you learn full-body movements in a state of focus and concentration. Get a list of form names when you sign up for this class.

  • Mirrored Practice and Video

    I learned some Tai Chi forms from Tai Chi Masters who speak little to no English, and so they taught Tai Chi by having us watch demonstrations. It really helps your learning to get explanations of how to do the movements. While it is helpful to watch demonstrations, it is also helpful to go along with a mirrored view as you practice. In this class, we do mirrored instruction and practice. Once class is in session, you can access special class videos, which are great tools you can use to practice what you learn.