
Eight Ways Tai Chi Can Help
With its characteristic slow and strong movements combined with an intentional mind focus, Tai Chi can transform you. Tai Chi works on you on many levels, mind and body….Here are the ways Tai Chi helps you….

Tapping Qigong
Massaging acupuncture points by simply tapping them with your fingers while maintaining an awareness of breath and mind is a powerful way to practice mind-body healing. This article describes three kinds of Qigong Tapping.

Whole New Level of Attraction
The heart naturally recognizes many things in life that are life-giving and good, and the energy of attraction expresses this. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart energy can regulate all your energy (brain energy and the energy of all your organs), so it is important to take care of your heart energy by listening to it and getting to know it. … Understanding what you find attractive and whom you are attracted to is a useful way to listen to your heart.